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ARCHI MECHA's founder

Creator and manager of the company:
Emmanuel Chambost 43 years old.

19 years of experience in the mechanical engineering.
During this period, I realized many missions:
- Product design.
- Mechanical structures sizing .
- Realization of manufacturing files.
- Test and performances verification.

I worked in different industries:
- Lifting and earth-moving machinery (HAULOTTE Group).
- Armored military vehicles (NEXTER Systems, RTD).
- Offshore equipment (SAIPEM).
- Nuclear equipment (AREVA, EDF, CEA).

The exercise of my job gave me the opportunity to develop my knowledge in science, technology, psychology and philosophy. I am convinced that there is a close link between simplicity and innovation.


RCS : 839 843 497



AFNOR standards.

Bertrand de la Bretesche :

The APTE method - Value analysis - Functional analysis.


Why creating ARCHI MECHA?
Why entrust us to find your innovative solutions?

The creation of the ARCHI MECHA company results from several observations. Companies are now under a significant stress: they must stick to the market expectations, which can change very quickly. For this reason, they must be monitored and their evolution anticipated. In parallel, it is necessary to collect the data which will enable to define the most suitable need related technical solution.


Where to start to achieve this goal? Can we simply follow an intuitive method? What are the prospects that the intelligence  of a creative genius can alone carry out such a mission?


Today the economic competition leads most manufacturers to pursue a continuous improvement policy based on the quality management. The method makes it possible to drive the changes, the improvements or the updates. However, it is not suitable for finding the innovation.

The acceleration of the market developments requires going further and faster, for example by changing the strategy, the concept or the paradigm. Also, what approach to implement? Regardless of the method, the following actions should be built:

  1. To formulate and reformulate the objective as much as necessary so that it is expressed in its simplest form, avoiding the counter-senses or the hazardous interpretations.

  2. To evaluate the feasibility considering the budget, the resources and the time.

  3. To bypass psychological mechanisms that defied the innovation.

  4. To identify the functions expected by the market.

  5. To characterize them.

  6. To converge towards the best solutions.

  7. To justify and document throughout the process.


In the large companies, the specialized teams drive, full-time dedicated to this purpose, animate and accompany experienced or novice working groups to carry out these actions with the maximum chance of success.

As for the small societies, without sufficient informed resources, the approach is more random, less structured and less controlled. Faced with an ambitious challenge, they are directly exposed to many risks.

That is why, ARCHI MECHA offers its clients to animate their working group and find their innovative solutions.

Philosophical influences

Sun Zi:
770 to 221 BC - The art of war.

340 to 270 BC - Letter to Meneceus.

Lucretius (Epicurean School):
1st century BC - De rerum natura.

Seneca (Stoician School)
1 BC to 65 - Letter to Lucilius.

Marcus Aurelus (Stoician School)
121 to 180 - Thoughts.

Diogenes Laerce:
200 to 500 - Life, doctrines and sentences of illustrious philosophers.

Nicolas Machiavel:
1513 - The Prince.
1521 - The art of war

Etienne de La Boetie:
1548 - Speech of voluntary servitude.

Francis Bacon:
1620 - Novum Organum.

Thomas Hobbes:
1651 - Leviathan or the Matter, Form and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil.

Baruch Spinoza:
1677 - Ethics.

John Locke:
1689 - An essay concerning human understanding.

Georges Berkley:
1710 - Treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge.

David Hume:
1748 - An enquiry concerning human understanding.

Emmanuel Kant:
1787 - Criticism of Pure Reason

Charles Darwin
1859 - The origin of species.

Arthur Schaupenhauer:
1859 - On the metaphysical need of humanity.
1864 - The art of being right.
1854 - The art of being respected.

Friedrich Nietzsche:
1878 - Human, all too human.
1883 - Thus spoke Zarathustra.
1886 - Beyond good and evil.
1887 - The Gay science.
1888 - Twilight of the idols.
1908 (posthumously) - Ecce homo.


Science fiction, fantasy, novel or how to combine pleasure and innovation:

René Barjavel:
1943 - Ashes, Ashes.
1944 - Future time three.
1968 - The ice people.
1973 - The immortals.

Franck Herbert:
1965 - Dune.
1969 - Dune messiah.
1976 - Children of Dune.
1981 - God emperor of Dune.

1985 - Chapterhouse

Jostein Gaarder:
1991 - Sophie's world.

Dan Simmons:
1989 - Carrion comfort.
1989 - Hyperion.
1990 - The fall of Hyperion.
1991 - Summer of night.

1992 - Children of the night.
1996 - Endymion.
1997 - The rise of Endymion.
2007 - The terror.


Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson:

1999 - Dune : House Atreides

Peter F. Hamilton:
2004 - Pandora's star.
2005 - Judas unchained.

Bernard Werber:
1994 - The Thanatonauts.
2001 - The ultimate secret.
2006 - The butterfly of the stars.

José Saramago:
2004 - Seeing.

José Rodrigues Dos Santos:
2014 - The key of Solomon.

Today, looking for an innovative solutions means been exposed to several risks:

  • To skip high value ideas.

  • To remain in the comfort of the historical solutions.

  • To invest too little and lose competitiveness.

  • To not structure enough the approach and increase the development costs.

  • To focus on details.

  • To get locked in the rules and lose the action sense .

  •  ...

ARCHI MECHA brings industrial, technical, scientific and philosophical know-how that together make the ambitious challenges a reality.

Our industrial knowledge has been acquired and developed by carrying out projects in the lifting and the earth-moving machinery industries, the armored military vehicles, the off-shore oil services equipment and the primary circuit equipment of the nuclear power plants.

Our technical knowledge can be classified as follows:

  • Calculation: static, dynamic, fatigue, load spectrum, material resistance, mechanical, thermal, thermomechanical, modal analysis, linear and nonlinear finite element analysis, statistics, ASME code, RCC-M code, Eurocodes code, FEM code, CM66 code, API-RP2A code, DNV code ...

  • Design: welded structure, bolted structure, articulated structure, lattice structure, under-pressure structure, temperature structure, molded structure, ...

  • Manufacturing: material supply specification, heat treatment, anti-corrosion treatment, manufacturing recipe, chemical treatment, ...

  • Test: destructive and non-destructive test, structural deformation measurement , piezoelectric sensor indication measurement, forces measurement , ...

Our scientific knowledge includes: the mechanics, the electricity, the electronics, the chemistry, the main experiments of the quantum mechanics, the economics, the psychology ...

If the science is widely recognized through all the consumer goods it has helped to diffuse, it is not the same for the philosophy that remains for most people as an obscure discipline for enlightened picky elitist dude. Although some texts are difficult to access, many authors use a simple vocabulary in their works. By reading them, it appears that the philosophy offers infinite possibilities for the innovation. Thus, by observing more attentively the great discoveries and the progress of the humanity, we note that they are most often preceded by a philosophical reflection that brings a new light on the world:

  • Looking at it in a dispassionate way by using the Stoics school posture.

  • Or, by focusing on the lasting pleasure thanks to the Epicurean posture.

  • The art of war insists on the environment, the siting choice.

  • Humanists theorizes the social contract between the individuals which creates a nation and prevent civil war.

  • A current of thought, the empiricism, develops logic and creates the foundations of science from the Aristotle's works ; Francis Bacon initiated this process. He will be followed by John Locke and David Hume, who will pave the way for the industrial revolution.

  • Kant, in Critique of Pure Reason, completes the empiricist theses while Spinoza in Ethics develops his own logical approach.

  • By bringing together the scientific publications from several disciplines, and his own meticulous observations of the nature, Darwin imagines the species evolution theory.

  • Affected by an extreme sensitivity, Nietzsche overturns established common values, he multiplies the points of view, the interpretations and the appreciations while knowing that it will probably not be understood by his contemporaries.

  • By imagining his thought experiments, Einstein formulates the Special Relativity and General Relativity Theories.

  • Today, an experiment in quantum mechanics (the Young double slit experiment) resonates strangely with Berkley's conclusions about the matter existence - read "Principle of Human Knowledge" published in 1710.


With its knowledge, its independence, its curiosity and its experience, ARCHI MECHA will bring you this wealth of points of view, and will enable you to bring out the innovative solution that produces value for your company.

Other influences

Charles Péguy :

1901 - De la raison.

Albert Einstein :

1916 - special and general theory of relativity .

Albert Camus :

1951 - L'homme révolté.

Abraham Maslow :

1954 - Motivation and personality.

1964 - Religions, values and peak experiences.

Joseph Aloys Schumpeter :

1954 - History of economic analysis.

Christiane Tobirat :

2002 - Slavery explained to my daughter.

W. Chan Kim et Renée Mauborgne :

2004 - Blue ocean strategy

Frédéric Lenoir :

2008 - Petit traité d'histoire des religions.

Michel Onfray :

2006 - Les sagesses antiques.

2006 - Le christianisme hédoniste.

2007 - Les libertins baroques.

2007 - Les ultras des lumières.

2008 - L'eudémonisme social.

2009 - Les radicalités existentielles.

2010 - Le crépuscule d'une idole - L'affabulation freudienne.

2011 - La construction du surhomme.

​2013 - Les consciences réfractaires.

2014 - Les freudiens hérétiques.

2015 - Cosmos.

Christian Morel :

2002 - Les décisions absurdes, I - Sociologie des erreurs radicales et persistantes.

2012 - Les décisions absurdes , II - Comment les éviter.

2018 - Les décisions absurdes, III - L'enfer des règles les pièges relationnels.

Anne-Sophie Chambost :

2009 - Proudhon - L'enfant terrible du socialisme.

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